2024 Palmetto Cyber Summit Survey
Thank you for being a part of the 2024 Palmetto Cyber Summit. We would love to hear more about your experience at the event. Please complete the form below to provide us with feedback for future events.
1. Did you attend the 2024 Palmetto Cyber Summit?
Which sector are you from?
What role did you play?
4. Was this the first time you attended a CyberSC event?
5. Overall, how would you rate the value of this event? (1 = Low Value, 5 = High Value)
6. On a scale of 1-5, how easy was navigating registration for the event? (1 = Hard, 5 = Easy)
7. What did you like the most about the event?
8. What did you like the least about the event?
9. Please rate the following aspects of the event-DATE & TIME
10. Please rate the following aspects of the event-LOCATION
11. Please rate the following aspects of the event-SPEAKERS
12. Please rate the following aspects of the event-NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES
12. Please rate the following aspects of the event-FOOD AND BEVERAGE
14. Based on your experience at this event, how likely are you to attend future CyberSC events?
Sponsors Only - Would you sponsor another CyberSC event?
If you answered “no”, why not?
Sponsors Only - Was communication by the organizers good?
Sponsors Only - What could have been done better?
Speakers Only - Would you speak at another CyberSC event?
Speakers Only - Was communication by the organizers good?
Speakers Only - What could have been done better?
Are there any suggestions you have to make our future events a better experience for you?
What are you looking to implement at your own organization?
Would you like additional educational resources from Cyber Sherpas?
Would you like to speak with a member of the Cyber Sherpas Team for assistance with implementation?